• Танхимын мэдээ
  • “Оюуны өмчийн эрхийн хамгаалалт ба хөгжил” сэдэвт Олон улсын сургалтад урьж байна

“Оюуны өмчийн эрхийн хамгаалалт ба хөгжил” сэдэвт Олон улсын сургалтад урьж байна


БНХАУ-ын Гадаад Худалдааны яам болон Хорооноос “Нэг бүс- Нэг зам” хөтөлбөрийн хүрээнд хөгжиж буй орнуудад зориулан “Оюуны өмчийн эрхийн Хамгаалалт ба Хөгжил” сэдэвт Олон улсын сургалтыг тус УБХТ-тай байгуулсан хамтын ажиллагааны хүрээнд манай гишүүдэд 2021 оны 10 сарын 13-26 ны өдрүүдэд цахимаар үнэ төлбөргүй зохион байгуулна. Сургалтанд 80-аас дээш хувь бүрэн хамрагдсан нөхцөлд сертификат олгоно. Сургалтанд шинийг санаачлагч, үйлдвэрлэгч тэдгээрийн удирдлага, төрийн холбогдох байгууллага, орон нутгийн мэргэжилтнүүд, багш, оюутан, хувь хүн, байгууллага, ААН-үүдийг идэвхитэй оролцож төлбөргүй сургалтын боломжийг ашиглахыг урьж байна. Сургалт англи хэлээр явагдах ба холбогдох мэдээлэл буюу шаардлагыг дор нийтлэв.    

Бүртгэлийн хуудсыг хавсаргав. Хуудсыг бөглөн namjilmaa@ubchamber.mn цахим хаягаар 2021 оны 10-р сарын 6-ны дотор яаралтай ирүүлнэ үү.

Сургалт төлбөргүй ба зөвхөн бүртгэлийн хураамж 1 хүн 35000 төг. төлнө.

Голомт банк, 2015113575, Улаанбаатар хотын Худалдааны Танхим НҮТББ

Та бүхэн яаралтай бүртгүүлнэ үү.

Сургалттай холбоотой асуух зүйл байвал 77003883, 99114096 утсаар холбогдоно уу.


Brief Introduction Form of Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights Protection and Development


Project name

Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights Protection and Development


Shandong Foreign Trade Vocational College

Holding time

October 13, 2021 to October 26, 2021

Project language


Invitation nationality

Developing countries

Planned number of people

20 persons

Training objectives

To make the trainees know China’s experience, help the recipient countries improve their understanding of the necessity and importance of intellectual property rights and national intellectual property right development strategy and learn the basic practices of intellectual property right development and protection; to enhance the friendship between the countries where the trainees are located and China and enhance the consensus of common development of international cooperation.

Requirements for trainees

Professional background

——Field or profession: officials of intellectual property right-related departments

——Job: national government, colleges, enterprises and other intellectual property right management and service personnel

——Level, education background and degree or other related qualification requirements: department-level government officials, college teachers, company executives, etc.


Not higher than the legal retirement age of the recipient country

Good health

Have good health and be able to participate in online training on time

Language ability

Students should be able to listen, speak, read and write in English



Introduction to training contents

1. Introduction to main training courses

(1) China’s national condition: mainly introduce China’s current situation of political, economic, social and cultural development.

(2) Introduction to Chinese COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control experience: Share Chinese epidemic prevention and control experience.

(3) China’s intellectual property rights development experience, introducing the development history and experience of China’s intellectual property rights.

(4) International intellectual property right law system, introducing the law system of intellectual property right in the international field.

(5) Analysis of intellectual property rights protection case, analyzing and introducing classic intellectual property rights protection cases.

(6) How to give play to the role of lawyers in protecting intellectual property rights and introduce the role and function of lawyers in intellectual property rights protection.

(7) The law system of intellectual property rights protection of China’s customs, introducing the law system of intellectual property rights protection within China’s customs system.

(8) Intellectual property right protection in international trade, introducing the relevant basic knowledge and cases of intellectual property right protection in international trade.

(9) Criminal protection and prospect of intellectual property rights, introducing the criminal protection system and development trend of intellectual property rights.

(10) Legal practice of cracking down on fake and shoddy goods, introducing the crime of fake and shoddy goods and relevant laws and regulations.

(11) Current situation of network intellectual property right protection in China, introducing the current situation and system of network intellectual property right protection in China.

(12) Enterprise intellectual property right operation practice, introducing the basic knowledge of intellectual property right management and practice of the enterprise.

2. Introduction to the overall situation of key speakers

(1) Yan Guohua, Vice-President of Beijing Foreign Studies University, Doctor, with the main research area of China’s national condition, western politics and others;

(2) Xu Feng, Director, Doctor and Associate Researcher of the International Exchange and Cooperation Office of Xiyuan Hospital, with specializes in heart failure, pneumonia and other circulatory, respiratory diseases and severe infections and a combination of Chinese and Western medicine and teaches the experience and practices of combating COVID-19.

(3) Wang Zhong, Professor of Shandong Foreign Trade Vocational College and Part-Time Lawyer of Shandong Deheng Law Firm, teaching China’s experience in intellectual property right development and intellectual property right protection in international trade.

(4) Han Tianzhu, Professor of Shandong University of Science and Technology, Doctor of Law of University of Manchester of UK, teaching the law system of international intellectual property rights and the development prospect of international intellectual property rights.

(5) Jia Shuxue, Professor of Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Doctor of Law, Part-Time Lawyer, teaching the case analysis of intellectual property right protection.

(6) Li Zhan, Doctor of Law of Ocean University of China, teaching the criminal protection of intellectual property rights.

(7) Liu Xifu, Lawyer of the intellectual property team of Shandong Deheng Law Firm, teaching how to play the role of lawyers in protecting intellectual property rights.

(8) Li Herong, Lawyer of Shanghai ALLBRIGHT LAW OFFICES, teaching the law system of intellectual property right protection of China’s customs.

(10) Yu Huazhong, Lawyer of Shandong Qindao Law Firm, teaching the legal practice of cracking down on fake and shoddy products.

(11) Wang Xiaohan, Associate Professor of Shandong Foreign Trade Vocational College, teaching the current situation of network intellectual property right protection in China.

(12) Li Chunzhen, Associate Professor of Shandong Foreign Trade Vocational College, teaching the difficulties and countermeasures of intellectual property right development of large, medium and small enterprises.

(13) Wang Xin, Deputy Director of the Legal Department of Tsingtao Beer Group, teaching the practice of intellectual property right operation of large enterprises.

3. Introduction to the workshop

(1) Symposium with regard to the social development and intellectual property rights protection of China.

(2) Symposium with regard to the current situation and prospect of intellectual property rights.

(5) Symposium with regard to effects and suggestions of this training.

4. Introduction to the cloud platform visit and investigation

(1) Intellectual Property Protection Achievement Exhibition Center of China Customs (Qingdao).

(2) China National Intellectual Property Administration.

5. Introduction to cloud culture experience

(1) Appreciation of Chinese places of interest - the Forbidden City and the Great Wall.

(2) Experience of Chinese traditional culture - Chinese tea art, calligraphy and Han Chinese clothing performance.

(3) Qingdao city-style experience: May Fourth Square, Olympic Sailing Center, Shanghai Cooperation Summit Site.

6. Materials to be prepared by trainees
To facilitate the exchange with Chinese experts, please prepare exchange materials related to the topic of the research and study for your country, such as Professions included and self-introduction to the service organization; current situation and existing problems of domestic intellectual property right development; basis for cooperation with China, etc.

Holding place

Qingdao City of Shandong Province

Cloud visit and investigation city

Beijing City; Qingdao City of Shandong Province


1. The online platform of the seminar will be provided with the international version of Tencent Conference. The trainees will contact the organizer within ten business days prior to the opening of the seminar and debug the software and network environment in advance.

2. The trainees should follow the project schedule and strictly abide by the class time and teaching discipline. The attendance record will be used as the basis for issuing the training certificate.

3. The trainees should enter the online classroom 15 minutes in advance to prepare for class and change their names to English.

4. The trainees should prepare materials related to the seminar according to the schedule and submit relevant electronic materials as required.

Brief introduction to the organizer

Shandong Foreign Trade Vocational College is provided with the longest history of running foreign trade vocational education in Shandong Province. It is rated as a national high-quality college, a high-quality college in Shandong Province, a famous college with Shandong characteristics and a brand college in Qingdao City. Over the past 50 years, more than 60000 graduates have been cultivated and more than 3000 large-scale enterprises have been founded by alumni, making outstanding contributions to regional economic and social development. At present, our college has 11000 full-time students and more than 600 teachers. our college is equipped with 24 majors, including International Trade, E-commerce and Logistics Management. Our college is the organization of the chairman of committee of the Advisory Committee of Foreign Language Teaching in Vocational Education, Ministry of Education, P.R. China and the organization of the vice-chairman of committee of the Instructing Committee of National Vocational Education of Foreign Economic Relations & Trade. There are two large-scale training bases in Tai’an and the west coast of Qingdao, including five research centers, such as the free trade zone research center and the cross-border e-commerce R & D center. Affiliated to the Department of Commerce of Shandong Province, our college is closely associated with the commerce bureaus of various cities in the Province. It can use all kinds of resources in the Province and cooperate with thousands of enterprises. It has cooperated with Hisense Group, Alibaba and other well-known enterprises to build more than 200 off-campus training bases.

Our college has completed 229 foreign aid training programs of the Ministry of Commerce with 6233 trainees from 130 countries and regions since 2012. Among them, there are 13 ministerial-level seminars, 23 courses of 16 “going out” overseas training seminars and 6 online training seminars. Through training, our college has signed cooperation agreements with relevant institutions in more than 50 countries, including Uganda, Uzbekistan and Dominica and has established 12 overseas training centers in Sudan, Liberia and Eritrean countries. Rich foreign aid training experience has laid a solid foundation for our college to continue to undertake the task of national foreign aid training.

In recent years, our college has successfully launched Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights Exchange for Developing Countries in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. Our college has also undertaken the Seminar on Intellectual Property Right Protection for Customs Officials, High-Level Seminar on African Government Officials to Combat Infringement, Counterfeiting and Shoddy Products, Seminar on Intellectual Property Right Protection for Suriname and Seminar for the Caribbean for many years. Our college has rich training experience and has received many thank-you letters from trainees and many reports from domestic and foreign media and achieved good social benefits and training results. Especially in the practice of intellectual property rights protection, there are good experts and lawyers in intellectual property rights practice. The theory and practice have been combined to highlight intellectual property rights practice.

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