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  • “Экологийн ХАА ба түүний гинжин холбооны хөгжил” сэдэвт сургалтад урьж байна

“Экологийн ХАА ба түүний гинжин холбооны хөгжил” сэдэвт сургалтад урьж байна



БНХАУ-ын Гадаад Худалдааны яам болон Хорооноос “Нэг бүс- Нэг зам” хөтөлбөрийн хүрээнд хөгжиж буй орнуудад зориулан “Экологийн ХАА ба түүний гинжин холбооны хөгжил” сэдэвт Олон улсын сургалтыг тус УБХТ-тай байгуулсан хамтын ажиллагааны хүрээнд манай гишүүдэд 2021 оны 10 сарын 12-19 ний өдрүүдэд цахимаар үнэ төлбөргүй зохион байгуулна. ХАА, МАА-н салбарын гишүүд, ААН-үүдийг идэвхитэй оролцохыг урьж байна. Сургалт англи хэлээр явагдах ба холбогдох мэдээлэл буюу шаардлагыг дор нийтлэв.


Бүртгэлийн хуудсыг дор хавсаргав. Хуудсыг бөглөн namjilmaa@ubchamber.mn цахим хаягаар 2021 оны 10-р сарын 5-ны дотор яаралтай ирүүлнэ үү.

Сургалт Бүртгэлийн хураамж 1 хүн 35000 төг. Голомт банк, 2015113575, Улаанбаатар хотын Худалдааны Танхим НҮТББ

Та бүхэн яаралтай бүртгүүлнэ үү.

Сургалттай холбоотой асуух зүйл байвал 77003883, 99114096 утсаар холбогдоно уу.


Seminar on Ecological and Circular Agriculture for Belt and Road Countries

Project Description

Full Name

Seminar on Ecological and Circular Agriculture for Belt and Road Countries


Administration and Management Institute, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs


October.12–October 19, 2021



Countries Invited

The “Belt and Road" countries

Number of Participants



The Seminar aims to strengthen agricultural communication and cooperation between China and countries along the Belt and Road. Participants will have an overview of China’s ecological and circular agriculture and related policies through the seminar, so as to build up a connection with Chinese companies or organizations in this regard, laying a foundation for further pragmatic cooperation.

Requirements of Participation

Academic Background

Field or major: agricultural and rural affairs, ecological agriculture, green agriculture, etc.

Position: government officials, researchers, agricultural technology extension staff, company managerial staff


No higher than the legal retirement age.

Physical Health

In good health. Being able to join online communication. If gathering together to take the course locally, the participants shall comply with local requirements of preventing and controlling the epidemic.

Language Ability

Sufficient English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

Course Information

Lecture information

The Seminar will be organized through live streaming, recorded videos, and real-time communication. The live streaming and real-time communication will be carried out on ZOOM, and the recorded videos can be watched on the Institute’s training website (AMI E-class).

1. Overview of China: including China’s natural environment and geographic landscape, history and culture, socio-economic development, etc.

2. China's Anti-Epidemic Campaign: including China's practices against COVID-19, ways to prevent and control the spread of the virus, etc.

3. Belt and Road Initiative and World Development: including the concept and core of the Initiative, achievements that has been made, etc.

4. China’s Ecological and Circular Agriculture and Supporting Policies: including theory of ecological and circular agriculture, supporting policies, development models, achievements, and future development, etc.

5. China’s Green Agriculture: including concept and supporting policies of green agriculture, better allocation of agricultural resources and space layout, protection and restoration of agricultural ecosystem, etc.

6. Prevention and Control of Agricultural Non-Point Pollution: including China’s prevention and control system, achievements and problems, agricultural input management, the role of agricultural technology in green agriculture, etc.

7. Rural Ecological Protection System: including China’s rural ecological protection system, major fields and projects of agricultural ecological protection, etc.

8. Online Visit: Cases of Ecological Agriculture. Visiting DQY Ecological Park to see eco-breeding and circular agriculture.

9. Agricultural Cooperation between China and B&R Countries: introducing China’s cooperation with B&R countries, measures to promote green agriculture cooperation, etc.

10. Close-up: The organizer will organize a discussion and make a conclusion of the seminar.


Changping District in Beijing

Cities visited online



1. The seminar will be organized on ZOOM or AMI E-class, so the Internet, computer/laptop, microphone, camera, and other necessary devices shall be equipped.

2. Before the seminar, we will organize a technique test of the devices and the Internet to solve potential bugs or problems. Please take part in the test at the given time.

3. Preparation. Participants have to log in 15 min before the lecture, and set the personal account as Name-Country (in conformity with the passport, in English). During the lecture, the host will set all the participants as mute. Participants have to turn on the camera, so we can make sure that everyone is online.

4. Disciplinary requirements. Please comply with the schedule, and never be absent without any excuse. If anyone cannot be present, he/she has to get the organizer informed in advance. The certificate will be issued according to the attendance record. In order to ensure information security and protect personal privacy, please do not record, screen shot, or share the lecture to any social media. The lecture material will be sent to participants after the seminar. 

5. Most of the lecturers can speak English, and some will teach in Chinese with English consecutive interpretation.

6. In order to facilitate communication with Chinese experts and other participants, please prepare materials related to your work and the subject of the program, including: Introduction of your organization or department; Ecological agriculture in your country; Circular agriculture in your country; The cooperation basis with China, etc.

About the Organizer

The Administration and Management Institute (AMI) is directly affiliated to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA). Its responsibilities include: Undertaking training for officials in China’s agricultural system, semi-senior and senior professionals, rural talents with practical skills, new agricultural business entities, and agricultural officials of developing countries; Disseminating government policies and measures; Conducting research on key issues such as agricultural laws and regulations, rural land and resources, rural social governance, agricultural and rural economy, modern agriculture development, etc.; Providing consultancy and support on the above mentioned research areas.

The Institute attaches great importance to international training. It has set up a working group led by the President, and particular divisions to implement training programs. It has established a complete system of training in accordance with the foreign affairs regulations and international training requirements of the State. AMI has undertaken agricultural international exchange and training since 2004. By the end of 2020, the Institute has organized more than 100 seminars and training programs, receiving over 2000 agricultural officials all over the world. Boasted by its training advantages in agricultural policies and management, together with considerate and people-friendly service, AMI has won wide acclaim from participants and relevant authorities of participating countries. The Institute has organized over 10 seminars on policies for officials from Belt and Road countries, accumulating rich resource and experience in this regard.





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