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  • “High-tech Үйлдвэрлэл ба инноваци” сэдэвт олон улсын сургалтад урьж байна

“High-tech Үйлдвэрлэл ба инноваци” сэдэвт олон улсын сургалтад урьж байна



БНХАУ-ын Гадаад Худалдааны яам болон Хорооноос “Нэг бүс- Нэг зам” хөтөлбөрийн хүрээнд хөгжиж буй орнуудад зориулан High-tech үйлдвэрлэл ба Инноваци” сэдэвт Олон улсын сургалтыг тус УБХТ-тай байгуулсан хамтын ажиллагааны хүрээнд манай гишүүдэд 2021 оны 10 сарын 11-24 ний өдрүүдэд цахимаар үнэ төлбөргүй зохион байгуулна. Манай улсын хувьд маш чухал сэдэв бөгөөд ийм чиглэлийн үйлдвэрлэлийг хөгжүүлэх зайлшгүй шаардлагатай ба мөн шинэ санаа гаргахад нэлээд дөхөм үзүүлэх учир гишүүд, ААН-үүдийг идэвхитэй оролцохыг урьж байна. Сургалт англи хэлээр явагдах ба холбогдох мэдээлэл буюу шаардлагыг дор нийтлэв.

Бүртгэлийн хуудсыг дор хавсаргав. Хуудсыг бөглөн namjilmaa@ubchamber.mn цахим хаягаар 2021 оны 10-р сарын 5-ны дотор яаралтай ирүүлнэ үү.

Сургалт Бүртгэлийн хураамж 1 хүн 35000 төг. Голомт банк, 2015113575, Улаанбаатар хотын Худалдааны Танхим НҮТББ

Та бүхэн яаралтай бүртгүүлнэ үү.

Сургалттай холбоотой асуух зүйл байвал 77003883, 99114096 утсаар холбогдоно уу.

Seminar on Development of High-tech Industry and Innovation for Developing Countries


Seminar on Development of High-tech Industry and Innovation for Developing



Shenzhen Association for Promoting International Economic & Technological Cooperation


Oct 11st —Oct 24th, 2021



Invited Countries

Developing Countries

Number of  Participants


Training objectives

To enable trainees to gain in-depth understanding of China's experience in High-tech Industry and Innovation, establish a platform for communication with officials of relevant countries, establish a network of domestic and international industry experts, and promote international project cooperation and technological product exports.

Requirements for the Participants

Professional background

--Field or specialty: Technology and Innovation related major.

--Jobs: Government officials and technicians in the departments of High-tech Industry and Innovation.

—Level, academic degree or other relevant qualification requirements: none.


not higher than the legal retirement age of the recipient country.


Be able to attend online training courses on time.


Capable of listening, speaking, reading and writing in English


Be able to use VooV Meeting platform to complete the project schedule.

Training content introduction

1Main training courses and content introduction

(1) Introduction of China's experience in fighting the new crown epidemic;

(2) Overview of China's national conditions—introducing China's natural landscape, social features, customs, etc.

(3) Self-Innovation to introduce national self-innovative pilot area.

(4) Management system reform of China's science and technology policy and scientific research institutions.

(5) History and Developing High-tech Industry and Innovation.

(6) Strategy and planing of China's science and technology development.

(7) Research on Science and Technology Innovation and Incubator.

(8)  International scientific and technological cooperation in the era of globalization.

(9)  Development and prospect of high-tech industry in Shenzhen.

(10) Development and Management of Shenzhen High-tech Zone.

(11) Innovation and Development for Smart Shenzhen.

(12) Construction of China's new energy system.

(13) The transformation of Shenzhen high-tech industry and economic development mode.

(14) Development of Strategic Emerging Industries.


2. Introduction to Thematic discussion

(1) Thematic discussion: China's achievements and experiences in the fields of high-tech industries and innovation and development;

(2) Thematic discussion: How to strengthen exchanges with developing countries in the fields of high-tech industries and innovation and development

(3) Thematic discussion: international scientific and technological cooperation and learning analysis and exchange in the era of globalization;


3. Introduction to the cloud platform visit Comprehensive comparison found that the overseas version of Tencent Conference has the characteristics of free, large class capacity, easy operation, and the ability to record conference videos throughout the process, which is more suitable for foreign aid online training.


4. Introduction of some speakers

(1) Yuan Xiaojiang: Professor of Shenzhen Municipal Committee of CPC.

(2) Xu Xiaofeng: General Director of Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee.

(3) Zhi Zhiyuan: General Director of High-tech Research and Development Center of Ministry of Science and Technology.

(4)Wei zhida: Professor of Shenzhen University.

(5) Cheng Jianming: Professor of Management College Shenzhen Technology University.

(6) Shi li:Deputy Inspector of Shenzhen Municipal Committee of CPC.

(7) Chen Xianmei: General Director of Shenzhen Municipal Committee of CPC


5. Materials to be prepared by the trainees

Please get in touch with the organizer in advance before starting the project, familiarize yourself with the Tencent Conference Overseas Edition platform software, and do a good job of network testing. In order to facilitate communication with Chinese experts, please prepare your country's communication materials related to the subject of the training, such as: including self-introduction of majors and units the current status and existing problems of scientific and technological innovation for respective countries; The status quo of international cooperation with international organizations in the country; The basis of cooperation with China, etc.

6. Final test/assessment

In the form of test questions or essays

Host City

Shenzhen, Guangdong Province

Sites for Vitual Tours

Wuhan City, Hubei Province


1. Responsibilities and obligations: The trainees are representatives of the government, country and people of the country where they are located. They are responsible for their actions and performance, abide by Chinese laws and relevant regulations of the training class, and perform corresponding obligations.

2. Disciplinary requirements: during the implementation of the project, please strictly abide by the project schedule, do not arrange activities unrelated to the training without authorization, do not withdraw from the training without any reason.

About the Organizer

The Shenzhen Association for the Promotion of Foreign Economic and Technical Cooperation (referred to as the Promotion Association) was established in October 2003. It is a social organization sponsored by the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Commerce. It aims to cooperate with the country's "going out" strategy, guide and help Shenzhen enterprises to explore foreign markets and promote Shenzhen's foreign economic and technological cooperation and exchanges.

The Promotion Association has a solid foundation in high-tech fields such as computer and information communication technology. It is good at various training in these fields. It has successfully undertaken many foreign aid training tasks entrusted by the Ministry of Commerce since from 2004. It has undertaken 138 training programs and trained 3,629 Participants from developing countries by 2020. The trainees come from 134 developing countries and international organizations in Asia, Europe, Africa, South Pacific, Caribbean and South America, and the training languages are English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Arabic. Since its establishment, the APIETC has undertaken a number of high-tech industry seminars, including 2008 Seminar on Developing of High-tech Industry and Innovation and 2015 Seminar on Developing of High-tech Industry and Innovation for French speaking Country. It rich experience in the organization and management of foreign aid training. Through years of self-accumulation and close cooperation with Huawei, ZTE and other member units, it has a computer room of hundreds of square meters, two comprehensive laboratories, and a variety of computer equipment. It also has a group of experts in the field of ICT planning and construction. A team of experts with training and teaching experience.

The APIETC has long-term cooperative relationships with many Shenzhen technology enterprises and institution; it can provide high-quality industry teacher resources and visiting.

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